Self-indulgent musings of a social retard.

Current Older Rings Profile Book Host

07.10.02 @ 10:08 p.m.

My baby girl left today. A month with Grandma. My mom called me from her mobile phone from the car on the way home after picking her up. It was only two hours after she left, but I already missed her. I'll get over it, I'm sure. I don't know for sure what I'm going to do with all my "single" time, but I'm gonna try to get some actual stuff done.

I called a couple of hours later. She was busy playing in the pool, and said she'd have to call me later. Sheesh.

This morning, on the radio, I won tickets to see The Vagina Monologues. I've never seen it, so I'm excited. Even more exciting to me though: I also got tickets to the Area 2 show - David Bowie and Moby. Yay!



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