Self-indulgent musings of a social retard.

Current Older Rings Profile Book Host

10.09.01 @ 2:23 p.m.

So, even though I came into the office on both Sunday and Monday, I had a reasonably good weekend.

It was Open Studios in the Mission/Noe Valley area. On Saturday, Bink and I went to see a few artists in Noe Valley. We walked out of one place on Castro St., and were surprised to see a horse-drawn wagon. We were just in time for the (free) hayride sponsored by the 24th St. merchants. It was bizarre and fun to ride down 24th Street - yuppie family central with strollers and Golden Retrievers practically mandatory - in the back of a hay filled wagon. The street was lined with dogs staring with bewilderment at the horses. After the ride we indulged in the (free, again) snacks, pumpkin cookies and hot chocolate. Yum.

I then went to get my eyes examined. I have worn glasses since I was 6 years old. My left eye has always been weak, but my right eye has always compensated for it. I was dismayed to learn that my right eye has now developed a small degree of astigmatism. My mind keeps turning to laser eye surgery, but the truth is I am too terrified in real life to actually consider it.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the 'bigbottoms' diary is doing well. Thanks to the the extraordinarily generous image hosting provided by Tracy, the ring now sports the nifty graphic seen below. Most praise of course is due to inarticulate, the brains of the operation. I swiped the idea of the ring from her, and yet she still provided the photo. What a peach!

I think the picture is a deal maker or breaker: folks may join, but when the photo shows up on their page, they'll either love it, or hate it and drop out. I love it. It cracks me up. An observant Tess was reminded of Sir Mix-A-Lot (of "Baby Got Back" fame - or infamy as the case may be.)

My current favorite song:"How You Remind Me" by Nickelback. And guess what? They're Canadian!



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