Self-indulgent musings of a social retard.

Current Older Rings Profile Book Host

2001-05-30 @ 11:34 a.m.

Well, they're playing at Cafe du Nord tonight. Should I go? God knows I want to, but it's such a bad idea: If I go and he sees me, will he be totally uncomfortable? If I go and he doesn't see me, I'll be some stalking freak. It's a no-win situation.

I wish he wanted me to go.

Oh yeah, so Bink and I are standing outside of Lost Weekend on Saturday (thought we'd get a couple of videos after her capoeira class), and a pigeon shits in my hair. I couldn't believe that A.) I've made it this long in THIS city without it happening before, and B.) How funny it was. I ran home to take a shower and wash my hair IMMEDIATELY!

While I was in the shower, VV came to the door to ask if Bink could go to the movies with them. Right on. An entire afternoon to myself. It was great...



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